
About Us

Magpie & Fox is a creative space Allie and Amy come to talk about fun ideas, publish pictures of the beauty in their own lives and generally share inspiration for everyday life. We hope you’re fascinated by the everyday just as much as we are.

Allison is constantly searching for the tiny moments of whimsy in life - water droplets on pennies, unique front doors, goose bumps, watching a plant grow, discovering the wonderfulness of Dr. Who, when time seems to stands still...{simple beauty}. She is a teacher, a designer, and artist who loves to explore how imagination and creativity can help us live a happier more vibrant life.
Images from Amy's wedding in 2014
Amy likes everything bright and vibrant in the world, the exhilaration of making things by hand, and long road trips. She’s a science fiction author who loves the genre for the wonder of science and the fantastical whimsy of fiction. A snowflake stuck in the dry desert of the southwest, she relies on SPF 100 and sunshades to keep from spontaneously combusting.

Contact us at: magpiefoxblog[at]gmail[dot]com 

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