
May 30, 2014

A Letter to My Girls: Natalie

Dear Natalie,

How is it possible to know someone for such a short time and to feel as though you’ve known them for lifetimes? If I hadn’t believed in kindred spirits before I met you, I definitely would have come around to the notion quickly. Someday when we’ve both gone silver and have a passel of grandkids between us, we’ll run away together to a cottage on Prince Edward Island. We’ll drink tea and read all the books we never got a chance to get around to. And we’ll remind ourselves time and time again of the fun we had when we were younger (and then go out and have more).

You are the kindest, most loving person I have ever met. Your optimism and ecstatic joy for the world and everything beautiful is a constant inspiration to me to be a better person. You make me want to write clockwork fairytales and brew large pots of tea, just so that you can come over and I can entertain you. (Seriously, lets find a way to make that happen).

There was no other option for my maid of honor. You’re my right hand gal, and I can’t imagine walking through this crazy world without you.

 - Amy